Five Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home Insurance Policy

Below is the list of five such common mistakes that are possible but can be avoided, while buying a home insurance policy–

1. Unable To Compare Options
The most common mistake that homeowners make while buying a home insurance policy is failing to ask the right questions, such as what are the policy’s inclusions and exclusions, coverage limit, discounts, additional coverage requirements and so on.

There are various insurance providers available in the market and their premiums can differ based on the fact how insurers assess the risk. Following factors can help better while comparing insurance policies –

• Affordability – Policies with affordable premiums are also available with many providers. Search best options available in the market to get quality insurance cover at a reasonable price.

• Coverage – Quality is also as important as affordability of the policy premium. Cheaper insurance cover with inferior cover can cost more in the long run.

Experts suggest that exploring all available options with different insurance providers is beneficial, even while renewing an existing cover.

2. Selecting Less Coverage To Get A Cheaper Deal
As discussed above, a cheap insurance is not always a good cover. Your home insurance is supposed to cover the value of replacing your entire house, including its contents, in case of a disaster. It does not mean that you will not find suitable cover at a reasonable cost. You can still opt for adequate coverage with increased deductibles to lower your overall cost.

3. Failure To Update The Policy
This is one of the most common mistakes which can happen unintentionally by not regularly updating your home insurance policy. Updating your cover every time with the changes made to the house will be worthwhile in case of a claim. Keep your insurance provider in the loop to avoid exposing yourself to major risks. For example, if an accident happens in your new pool, and your policy is not updated then you might have to pay for the damages from your own pocket instead of using the personal liability coverage which is generally offered with all standard policies.

4. Failure To Comprehend Exclusions Properly
While buying an insurance policy, try to compare exclusions mentioned in the different policies like an act of God, earthquakes, flood, etc. Asking the right questions might help you choose the right insurance cover for your home.

5. Disregarding Importance Of Accurate Deductibles
In an event of a claim, you might have to pay the excess amount which is not covered by the policy. The claim will only be settled once payment for the excess amount is done. Hence, it is recommended by professionals to negotiate a reasonable deductible amount with insurance providers.

You should consider buying a home insurance policy after accurately calculating the value of the property which you want to insure. It may take some time but it will be worth to select a quality cover with an affordable premium.


It is very important for us to know that mental illness is as common as physical illness nowadays. Most of us believe that mental health conditions are rare, but this is not the truth. 1 in 4 people have mental illness at some point in their lives. Many of us are not at all ready to accept the fact that someone close to us can also suffer from some mental issues. But once we get free from our prejudices and think that we or anyone close to us is having any mental or emotional problem then it is worth to acknowledge ourselves that there is always a hopeand a solution to every problem.

A poor mental health generally affects your thinking, emotions and behaviours. In today’s life which is full of stress, all of us have some kind of mental health problems which is not uncommon.

Mental illnesses can manifest themselves in a number of ways like unexpected changes in your mood such as feeling more sad or worried than normal. It may be in the form when you are not being able to think clearly or unable to not communicate with someone who is talking to you etc. Poor mental health may be associated with excessive stress due to a particular situation or series of events.

Following are some of the warning signs of poor mental health, that you should make note of:

Altered sleep and appetite: Excess or less sleep or hunger may be due to decline in your personal care.
Frequent mood swings: Sudden, rapid or dramatic shifts in emotions or depressed feelings may be a matter of concern.
Social & activity withdrawal: Abrupt social withdrawal and loss of interest in activities which you previously used to enjoy is a strong indication towards a bad mental health.
Quit: Not able to perform at school, work or quitting sports, difficulty in performing your regular and familiar tasks without any reason.
Poor concentration:One more prominent sign can be difficult concentration, poor memory or speech and thinking that are hard to explain.
High sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to one or all the senses such as sound, sight, touch or smellor absolute avoidance of over-stimulating situations can be there.
Indifference: Loss of initiative or desire to talk to people or participate in any activity.
Derealisation or disconnected: Feeling of being disconnected from you or your surroundings or a sense of detached from reality.
Nervousness: Fear, anxiety, suspiciousnessor nervous feeling for no reason. The person may burst into tears or have outbursts of anger.
Strange or unusual behaviour: Weird or peculiar behaviour that is not equivalent to the situation.

Well, 1 or 2 of these symptoms alone can’t predict a poor mental health. But definitely they indicate a need for further evaluation. If you are experiencing many of these at a time and they are causing serious problems in your ability to work, then there are many ways you can cope up with them such as accepting your feelings, establishing a support network with your family and friends, seeking counselling from a professional, taking out time for yourself and introspect into yourself.

It is important to be aware of the warning signs mentioned above. You should remember that there is always a hope for recovery and with a proper treatment & counselling, many people with poor mental health return to a positive and productive life.

2 Strong Reasons Why You Can’t Afford To Be Without Billings Church Insurance

Sometimes when we talk of church and insurance, it seems like we are talking of North Pole and South Pole. Why? Because these two just don’t seem to be compatible for each other. One usually thinks why a religious center would needs to get Billings Church Insurance since it is a non-profit organization that aims to help the deprived section of the society. After all, the church encourages people to believe in god through shared belief. Why would an organization whose aim is to provide solace to those in need would need church insurance? These are some common thoughts that run across one’s mind whenever one talks of church insurance coverages.

It’s hard to find fault with these kinds of people because traditionally, we’ve been raised to believe that church can do no harm and no one can harm church. This is a common perception but times have changed, which has led churches across the globe to seriously consider for an insurance coverage which suits their needs and requirements. Keeping in mind contemporary circumstances, it is not wise for to leave everything to almighty and hope that nothing unlucky will happen to church, its building, its employees and assets. If something unfortunate does happen, who will be responsible for compensating the loss which could cost a hefty sum to allow church to restore its services?

This article is composed with intention to highlight 2 basic reasons why any church needs a church insurance coverage. Read on to know about it.

Reason#1: Any Church Is Prone To Thefts and Robbery

A church is more than just a house of worship; it can be a place of various other social welfare activities undertaken by your community. Church has its own building, vehicle, furniture and other assets that are essential for carrying out its day to day operations with convenience. However, it is both unfortunate and surprising that there has been an alarming rise in number of theft and robbery incidents taking place on church premises. Expensive furniture, HVAC units and church vehicles are often being targeted by the robbers causing substantial financial losses to the church. If your church building and its assets are not covered under Billings Church Insurance, then it can be a huge burden on your church’s finances which usually reply on donations from state and individuals. A suitable church insurance will cover all unexpected losses of your church and prevent your finances from taking a severe beating.

Reason#2: No Church Is Prone To Natural Disasters

When nature strikes, it consumes literally everything in its way. We have all witnessed the severity of natural disasters in the form tsunami, earthquakes, floods, lightning, etc,. We have seen how even the most tallest and robust of buildings are reduced to a rubble by the ferocity of Mother Nature. Church building is not immune from nature’s catastrophes and in matter of few minutes, it could be razed to ground which will require rebuilding from the scratch and replacing all other damaged assets and equipments. Not to mention the incredibly high costs associated with the process, church insurance comes to your rescue in such tough circumstances and provides you a fair and reasonable financial compensation for rebuilding and reorganizing from the scratch.